Friday, January 13, 2012

From Baby to Toddler

Just a few weeks ago my baby turned one. My BABY turned one. It's amazing how fast she changed in just one year. It's hard to put into words the jumble of emotions that I feel when I think about it. As I watch her grow and see her personality begin to show, I get so excited about all the wonderful things that are ahead of us... Girl Scout meetings, t-ball games, sleepovers, vacations!! I know, I know, she's not even walking yet, but as she starts to grow into a little girl, I can't help but imagine all the fun we're going to have. And really, we're having so much fun right now. Our days are filled with giggles and Elmo and dancing and new discoveries. I think we're having more fun now than we ever did when she was just a few months old. She sleeps through the night, can feed herself, takes regular naps, can show us what she wants/needs. It's so much easier than just a few months ago!  But then, even in the midst of my relief that she's not a newborn anymore, there's this little bit of sadness that sometimes creeps in, and I realize how fast time is going, and that my baby isn't going to be a baby for much longer.  I wish I could somehow capture and keep those precious baby moments forever. Like this morning, when she woke up while it was still dark and wanted a bottle, and I held her and rocked her and she looked up at me with those big blue trusting eyes as she twirled my hair in her fingers. And I felt the myriad of emotions start swelling... joy in the moment, sad that it won't last forever, excited for what is to come... And as I hear her in the next room, banging away on the keys of her new toy piano and giggling all the while, I realize that I've got to purpose in my heart to enjoy each stage as it comes, because they'll pass by all too quickly. 

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